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Dermatological Infections in Chapter 21 in Geriatric Psychodermatology: Psychocutaneous Disorders in the Elderly. Nova Publishers Inc. New York. 2015; pp.243-260. ISBN: 978-1-63463-853-1.Geriatric Population. Tareen RS, Tareen KN.


Spectrum of maternal mood disorders.Tareen RS, Tareen AN. J Altern Med Res 2015;7(3):00-00. ISSN: 1939-5868.


Pathologic Indoor Tanning Behavior. Tareen RS, Tareen KN. Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. 2014, Vol 4.


Maternal Mood Disorders and the Newborn. Tareen RS, Tareen AN. Chapter in Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Editors: Greydanus DE, Feinberg A, Merrick J. Nova Scientific Publication Inc. NY 2014, 125-144.


Attachment Issues and Mental Health Issues in Newborn. Chapter in Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Editors: Greydanus DE, Feinberg A, Merrick J. Nova Scientific Publication Inc. NY 2014, 109-124 .


Psychiatric aspects of tropical diseases. Tareen RS, Tareen AN. Chapter in Tropical pediatrics. A public health concern of international Proportions. Editors: Roach R, Greydanus DE, Patel DR and Merrick J. Nova Scientific Publication Inc. NY 2014.


Adolescent girls and substance abuse: Recent trends, risk factors, and consequences. Tareen RS. Chapter in Substance abuse in adolescents and young adults. Editors: Greydanus DE, Kaplan G, Merrick J. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013, 251-272.


Perspectives on management of pediatric dermatologic disorders. Feinberg, A, Shwayder, T, Tareen, RS, Tempark T. Chapter in Pediatric Psychodermatology: A Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013. 


Psychoneuroimmunology and other interactions between skin and psyche. Tareen RS. Chapter 2; 69-80. Pediatric Psychodermatology Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.


Atopic Dermatitis: A Psychocutaneous Review. Tareen RS. Chapter 5; 119-144. Pediatric Psychopharmacology: A Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.


Collagen Vascular Disorders: Psychiatric and Dermatologic Manifestations. Kamboj MK, Tareen RS. Chapter 18; 335-356. Pediatric Psychodermatology Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.


Psychocutaneous manifestations of endocrine disorders. Kamboj MK, Tareen RS. Chapter 19; 361-396. Pediatric Psychodermatology: A Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.


Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Kamboj MK, Tareen RS. Chapter 20; 403-416. Pediatric Psychodermatology: A Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.  


Psychiatric Disorders Frequently Encountered In Dermatology Practices. Tareen RS, Tareen AN. Chapter in Pediatric Psychodermatology: A Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychocutaneous Disorders. Editors: Tareen RS, Greydanus DE, Jafferany M, Patel DR, Joav M. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany 2013.


Dermatology. II Pharmacotherapeutics in Medical Disorders. Feinberg, A., Shwayder, T., Tareen, R., et al. (2012). 2. (pp. 7-64). De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.


Role of Endocrine Factors in Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Tareen RS, Kamboj M. Practical Overview for Pediatricians. The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Feb 2012, Vol 59 No 1.  


Management of Non-Psychiatric Medical Conditions Presenting with Psychiatric Manifestations. Tareen RS, Kamboj M. Pediatric Psychopharmacology in 21st Century. The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Feb 2011, Vol 58, No 1.



Family Behavior Loop Mapping:  A Technique to Analyze the Grip Addictive Disorders Have on Families and to Help Them Recover. Liepman M, Flachier R, Tareen RS. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly,Vol 26, Number 1-2.


Family Intervention in Substance Abuse: Chapter on Behavior Loop Mapping; Liepman M, Flachier R, Tareen RS. Chapter in book from Haworth Press.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications (2010-2015)

Psychodermatology and alternative medicine. Introduction. Donald E Greydanus, Ruqiya S Tareen and J Merrick. Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2014. Editor Joav Merrick. Nova Publishers Inc. New York. 2015. PP.xv-xxii. ISBN: 978-1-63482-161-2.


The mind, body and spirit in psychodermatology: The legacy of George L Engel, MD. Int J Child Health Hum Dev 2015;8(1):3-10. ISSN: 1939-5965.


Substance abuse and adolescent girls. RS Tareen. Int Public Health J 2015;7(2):01-17. ISSN: 1947-4989


Pediatric Dermatologic Disorders. AN Feinberg, TA Shwayder, RS Tareen and T Tempark. Chapter 11 in Alternative Medicine Research Yearbook 2014. Editor Joav Merrick. Nova Publishers Inc. New York. 2015 pp.101-160. ISBN: 978-1-63482-161-2.


Attachment and mental health issues in the newborn.Tareen RS, Tareen AN. J Altern Med Res 2015;7(3):00-00. ISSN: 1939-5868.


Psychotherapies for Late Life Psychiatric Issues. Chapter 4 in Geriatric Psychodermatology: Psychocutaneous Disorders in the Elderly. Nova Publishers Inc. NewYork. 2015;pp.38-40 . ISBN: 978-1-63463-853-1.

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